Abstract :
Worms are a health problem that is still widely found. The number of
helminth infections in Indonesia is influenced by environmental sanitation
conditions and poor personal hygiene and low education and also due to
Indonesia's geographical location in the tropics which has a hot but humid
climate. Soil Transmitted Helminths (STH) are a number of species found in
intestinal nematodes that can transmit through soil. In Indonesia, intestinal
nematodes are still a public health problem, one of which is Ascaris lumbricoides
which is often found in warm and humid climates that have poor sanitation and
hygiene and one of the sources of transmission is water and mud used in vegetable
cultivation. The purpose of this paper is to present information about the presence
of Ascaris lumbricoides eggs which can be transmitted through cabbage
vegetables after washing and efforts to prevent the entry of worm eggs into the
Samples were taken from food stalls in Cemani Village, Sukoharjo
Regency along Jalan Batik Keris as many as 12 samples of cabbage salad from 12
food stalls with total sampling technique. Cabbage samples were taken after
interviews with respondents and examined using the deposition or sedimentation
method with 0.2% NaOH and Lugol's solution and then examined microscopically
at the National STIKES Laboratory.
The results of the study on 12 samples of fresh cabbage taken from food
stall traders who had been examined did not find (negative) Ascaris lumbricoides
eggs. This is influenced by several factors such as the condition of the cabbage
vegetables that are clean after the washing process with running water and a good
storage place for cabbage vegetables. So a negative result is obtained.
Based on the results of the examinations that have been carried out on
fresh cabbage (Brassica oleraceae) which are sold at food stalls in Cemani
Village, Sukoharjo Regency along Jalan Batik Keris, it can be concluded that
from the 12 samples examined, no Ascaris lumbricoides eggs were found, so the
results were negative.