Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Nasional
Meygian, Anggi Laksani Putri
R Medicine (General)
2022-04-14 06:41:55
Abstract :
Soil Transmitted Helminth is a group of parasitic worms (nematode classes)
that can cause infection in humans through contact with eggs or parasitic larvae
themselves that are developing in moist land contained in tropical and subtropical
climate countries. Intestinal nematodes classified in Soil Transmitted Helminths
are Ascaris Lumbricoides, Trichuris Trichiura, and Hook Worm. Basil vegetables
are one of the fresh vegetables that are usually eaten raw and often used as fresh
vegetables. Basil vegetables can be contaminated by worm eggs Soil transmitted
helminth. The purpose of this study was to determine the presence or absence of
contamination and species of the Soil transmitted helminths of eggs on basil
vegetables sold in the traditional market of the city of Surakarta.
This type of research is descriptive with 30 sample quota sampling techniques.
Samples taken from 5 traditional markets in the city of Surakarta. The sample
examination was carried out by the 0.2% NaOH deposition method and then
deposited subsequently centrifuged and checked microscopically, with data that
was diennely analyzed descriptively.
The results of the examination obtained are as many as 7% of positive samples
containing Ascaris Worm Eggs SP fertile cortication, egg hook worm type C and
The conclusion of this study was basil vegetables contaminated by worm eggs
from 30 basil samples from 5 traditional markets in the city of Surakarta obtained
2 or 7% positive containing egg worms ascaris sp fertile cortication, egg hook
worm type c and larvae. Basil samples that are not contaminated with worm eggs
are 28 or as much as 93%.