Abstract :
Based on research that has been done previously about the suitability
of prescription with formulary, at Kasih Ibu Hospital shows results in percentage
amounts of 99.6% (Suprihani, 2018), other studies at RSUI "X" showed the
suitability of prescription drugs by 96.79% (Hanifa , 2017). And based on the
facts that exist in Dr. Moewardi himself that there are still many prescription
drugs that are not in accordance with the formulary, so that patients must find
their own medication, it is necessary to conduct research on evaluating the
suitability of prescription drugs with hospital hospital formulary. Inadequate
prescribing of drugs can result in a decrease in the quality of hospital services
and the cost of drugs used ineffectively (Adrizal, 2019). Therefore, the authors are
interested in conducting research on evaluating the suitability of prescribing
drugs with formularies in general patients hospitalized in Rose Room 2, RSUD Dr.
Moewardi Surakarta period October - December 2019, so that it can evaluate the
prescription of drugs that are not in accordance with the formulary. The purpose
of this study was to determine how much percentage of the level of doctor
compliance in prescribing according to the formulary. This research is a nonexperimental research which is descriptive in nature by evaluating all
prescriptions for inpatients in the Rose 2 room during the period October 2019 -
December 2019. Data is obtained and presented in tabular form then
measurements are carried out by analyzing the number of inpatient prescriptions
received. Doctor compliance is determined based on the percentage (%) of
compatibility between drugs written by the doctor in the prescription with
Hospital Fomulary, and the result obtained is 96,16%.