Abstract :
Amphetamines are drugs that act on the central nervous system and
belong to class II psychotropics. This drug is used to increase feelings of wellbeing and increase energy. The purpose of the study was to determine the
description of amphetamine in the urine of inter-provincial bus drivers at
Tirtonadi Terminal Solo.
This study uses a quota sampling technique. This examination uses a
qualitative test with the Strip test method. The results are presented directly as a
descriptive study.
The results of a qualitative test on 10 samples of urine from interprovincial bus drivers showed that all negative results did not contain
amphetamine. Negative results are indicated by the formation of red lines in
column C (Control) and column T (Test).
Research from 10 samples of urine of inter-provincial bus drivers at the
Tirtonadi terminal that were examined showed negative amphetamine.