Abstract :
Shigella dysenteriae is an intestinal pathogenic bacterium, facultative
anaerobe, gram negative, short rod, not flagellated and has a capsule. Shigella is
the cause of bacillary dysentery, a high incidence is found in children with a
mortality rate of 40%. The purpose of this study was to identify the presence of
Shigella dysenteriae on palm swabs of food vendors at Kanisius Semanggi II
Elementary School Surakarta.
The type of research used in this scientific paper is descriptive research.
This research was conducted at the Bacteriology Laboratory of the National High
School of Health Sciences and the time of this research was carried out on March
29 - April 7, 2021. The sample used in this study was the palm swab of food
vendors at SD Kanisius Semanggi II Surakarta. The sampling technique used is
total sampling. Identification of Shigella dysenteriae in the palm swab of traders
was carried out by means of a palm swab using 0.9% NaCl then input into the
BHI fertilizing media, then cell morphology observations, colony morphology
observations, and biochemical tests were carried out.
The results obtained from 11 samples of palm swabs of food vendors at
SD Kanisius Semanggi II Surakarta which were taken were found to be Klebsiella
sp 27% (7), Citrobacter sp 8% (2), Proteus sp 8% (2), Escherichia coli 11% (3),
Serratia sp 38% (10), Salmonella typhi 4% (1), Enterobacter aerogenes 4% (1).
The conclusion of this study is that Shigella dysenteriae was not found
in the palm swabs of food vendors at Kanisius Semanggi II Elementary School