Abstract :
Background and Purpose: The incidence of overweight in 2018 in Indonesia
was 13.6% and obesity was 21.8%. The prevalence of hyperuricemia in Asia in
the last decade is around 13%-25%. The epidemiology of hyperuricemia in
Indonesia is still not known with certainty, but a survey conducted in Bandungan,
Central Java above (WHO-COPCORD) on 4,683 samples aged 15-45 years found
that the prevalence of hyperuricemia was 24.3% in men and 11.7 % in women.
Obesity is a factor in the increase in uric acid levels. The purpose of this study
was to determine the relationship between body mass index and uric acid levels in
grade 3 A3 students class 2018 DIII National Medical Laboratory Technology
Method: This type of research is analytic observational with a cross sectional
approach. The sampling technique in this study was total sampling with the
research subjects of 33 students of class 3A 3 class 2018 DIII National Stikes
Medical Laboratory Technology. The examination method used is Enzymatic
Photometric (Urikase-PAP). Pearson Product Moment correlation test obtained p
value (0.039) and the value of the correlation coefficient (r = 0.360).
Conclusion: The study concluded that there was a significant relationship
between body mass index and uric acid levels in class 3 A3 students of 2018 DIII
Medical Laboratory Technology Nasional Institute of Health Science with a value
of r = 0.360 indicating the strength of the relationship in this study was weak.