Abstract :
Satisfaction is the level of consumer feeling after comparing between
performance and perceived results of a service. The quality of a health service is
closely related to the satisfaction of users of health services (consumers). The
indicator used to determine the quality of health services is to measure the
satisfaction of consumers of health services. The purpose of this study is to
determine the level of satisfaction which is one of the indicators of quality service
at the Wonogiri Bhakti Farma pharmacy. This research method is a descriptive
study that is by giving questionnaires to consumers who come at the pharmacy
Bhakti Farma Wonogiri in March - April 2020. The results of the study of 120
respondents, describe the characteristics of predominant consumers who have
graduated from high school / vocational / MA high school as many as 65 people
(54 , 17%), the employment of private employees were 49 people (40.83%) and
entrepreneurs were 32 people (26.67%) and the income range was between Rp.
1,000,000.00 up to Rp. 2,000,000.00 48 people (40%). This study shows the level
of consumer satisfaction is included in the category of very satisfied with a
satisfaction level of 76.53% and is expected to the management of the Pharmacy
Bhakti Farma Wonogiri to always evaluate, improve the quality of service on an
ongoing basis.