Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Nasional
Anjela, Bella Dora Natalia
R Medicine (General)
2022-04-14 06:44:39
Abstract :
Narcotics are drugs or substances that, if we consumed will affect the work
of the brain and cause dependence. Students are easy to be targeted as drug users
and dealers. One of the drugs used is Benzodiazepine. Misuse of benzodiazepine
sedative in university students was 13.1%. To find out whether there is a
benzodiazepine of type psychotropic or not in urin of students of the Law
Department in Surakarta by using the strip test method.
This research uses descriptive research and uses the strip test method. The
sample used is urin as much as 10 samples obtained from students majoring in law
in Surakarta with a quota sampling technique.
The qualitative test results using benzodiazepine test strips were negative in
10 urin samples examined.
A total of 10 urin samples from Law Students in Surakarta were negative
and did not contain benzodiazepines. Negative results are shown by forming 2 strips
in C zone and T zone.