Abstract :
Nicotine is classified as an addictive substance that can cause dependence. Nicotine affects th
urine in passive smoking men in Joho Baru Sukoharjo.
This research is descriptive research. Nicotine examination was carried out
qualitatively using test strips. The samples used were 10 urine samples from passive
smoking men in Joho Baru Sukoharjo which were obtained by quota sampling
technique. Method of collecting urine samples through the midstream or midstream.
Qualitative tests showed that all negative results did not contain nicotine for
all urine samples. Negative results are indicated by the formation of red lines in
column C (Control) and column T (Test).The conclusion of this study is that urine
samples examined in passive smoking men in Joho Baru Sukoharjo showed
negative qualitative test results and did not contain nicotine.