Abstract :
Clinical laboratory examination is a system that can determine decisions
regarding a disease diagnosis through laboratory results. In order for the results of
laboratory tests to be accurate and reliable, pre-analytical, analytical and postanalytic controls must be carried out. Cholesterol is a form of fat that is colored
and shaped like a wax. Factors that affect the increase in cholesterol levels are
delays in examination, imbalance in the composition of enzymes contained in
serum in careful samples, one of the enzymes contained in serum is lipase
enzyme. The purpose of this study was to determine the cholesterol levels that
were checked and postponed.
This study uses an experimental research design. This research was
conducted at the National STIKES Clinical Laboratory and the time of the study
was carried out in January-May. The sample of this study were 37 students of
class 3A2, D3 Study Program of National Medical Laboratory Technology,
The results showed that the normality test was without delay 0.542 and
delay 0.239. The results are normally distributed because the sig value > 0.05.
Then the pair T test got the result of 0.924.
The conclusion of the study was that there was no effect of delaying serum
samples on cholesterol level.