Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Nasional
Zeladella, Sanchia Guivenera Indiyanto
R Medicine (General)
2022-04-14 07:31:41
Abstract :
Backgroun and objective : Data ini Indonesia teken from RISKESDA in 2013
showed there were 35.9% of the Indonesia population agend 15 years with abnomal
cholesterol levels. The RISKESDAS data also showed 15.9% of the population aged
over 15 years had very high LDL (more that 190 mg/dl), 22.9% had HDL levels less
than 40 mg/dl, and 11.9% had low LDL, very high triglyceride levels (more that 500
mg/dl). The purpuse of this study was to determine whether or not body mass index
and triglycerides were associated with class 3A3 student, class 2018 DIII, National
Stikes Medical Laboratory Technology.
Methods: This type of research is experimental analytic a cross-section approach. The
research was conducted at the National Stikes Clinical Chemistry Laboratory. With 34
research subjects in class 3A3 2018 students of the National Stikes Medical
Laboratory Technology who have received approval.The sampling technique used is
total sampling. Before examining triglyceride levels, respondents measured weight
and height to determine BMI (Body Massa Index) value, triglyceride levels in blood
samples were checked with a cClima Mc 15 Photometer. The normality test using the
Shapiro-Wilk test results in the data not being distributed normally, so the data
processed using a non-parametic test (Spearman test) shows the results of
p (0,566) > 90,05)
Conclusion : This study says that there is no relationship between body massa index
and triglyceride levels in class 3A3 students class 2018 DIII National Stikes Medical
Laboratorium Technology.