Abstract :
Drugs, Psychotropics and Other Addictive Substances (Drugs) are the
most dangerous cross-border problems that can damage the lives of students who
are easily influenced by drug abuse. Benzodiazepines are the most commonly
prescribed group of drugs and are often found in toxicological cases. The purpose
of this study was to determine the presence or absence of benzodiazepines in
Engineering Department students in Surakarta. This study uses a Quota sampling technique, this examination uses a
qualitative test with the Strip test method, for the results are presented directly
without going through the data processing process. The type of research is
descriptive research. The results of a qualitative test screening examination on 10 urine
samples of engineering students in Surakarta showed that all negative results did
not contain benzodiazepines. Negative results are indicated by the formation of
red lines in column C (Control) and column T (Test). Research from 10 urine samples of engineering students in Surakarta that
were examined, the initial screening results were negative containing