Abstract :
Good air quality is an important factor for maintaining environmental
health. The increase in air pollution from transportation is very significant and has
an impact on environmental health. Age factors affect the physical age of more
than 40 years experience a decrease in various visual abilities, muscle
performance, and decreased ability, in adapting.
This study uses descriptive design. The research was conducted at the
National STIKES Chemistry Laboratory and the research time was conducted in
January-July 2021. The sample of this study was the blood of an public transport
driver for the Hinsberg-lang method COHb test. The sampling technique used is
quota sampling.
The results showed high levels of carboxyhemoglobin in respondents
with age ranges of 45-60 years sample code C1, C2, C5,C6 and C7 with results of
7.74%; 8.50%; 7.01%; 6.98% and 6.52%. Carboxyhemoglobin in the body with a
normal value of >3.5% according to the Minister of Health of the Republic of
Indonesia No. 70 of 2016.
There is a difference in the level of carboxyhemoglobin to the age of
public transport drivers in the market terminal of Wonogiri city.