Abstract :
Purine is a compound which is metabolized in the body and produces
product of uric acid. In case if there is an increase in purine synthesis in the body,
it will result in a buildup of uric acid in the joints. This resulted purine metabolism
gotten speed up so that the production of uric acid in the body will increase. This
study was aimed to describe the levels of uric acid in productive age based on
purine consumption in Demangan RT 04 RW 14 Tegalgede Karanganyar.
The research method used was descriptive with a sampling technique. The
sample are 36 bloods of productive age in Demangan RW 04 RW 14 Tegalgede
Karanganyar. Sampling techniques that been used is purposive sampling. The
samples were obtained then tested for uric acid levels by using a RAL Clima-15
The result showed that 21 respondents (58.3%) had normal uric acid levels
and 15 respondents (41.7%) had uric acid levels less than normal. Based on age
who had uric acid levels less than normal as many as 11 respondents (30.6%)
aged 30-40 years and 4 respondents (11.1%) aged 41-50 years. Based on gender,
women showed uric acid levels less than normal as many as 11 respondents
(30,6%) and 4 respondents of men (11,1%). Based on the amount of purine
consumption that had uric acid levels less than normal 15 respondents with the
amount of purine consumption <500 mg/day. Based on the frequency of purine
consumption with uric acid levels less than normal 6 respondents (16.7%) with a
frequency of purine consumption 1-2 times/week and 9 respondents (25.0%) with
a frequency of purine consumption 3-4 times/week. Based on physical activity
that had uric acid levels less than normal as many as 10 respondents (27,8%) with
light physical activity and 5 respondents (13,9%) with heavy physical activity.
Based on the Body Mass Index who had uric acid levels less than normal, as many
as 4 respondents (11.1%) with an underweight body mass index, and 11
respondents (30.6%) with a normal body mass index.