Abstract :
Cholesterol is a component of blood fat that is not needed in food, because
in sufficient quantities it has been synthesized by the body. However, cholesterol
can also increase if you often consume foods with high fat content, an increase in
cholesterol levels can be interpreted as hypercholesterolemia. This study aims to
determine the relationship between body mass index and LDL cholesterol levels in
members of Posbindu Cambodia IV Gedangan, Grogol, Sukoharjo.
This study uses an observational analytic research design. This research was
conducted at the Mandiri Diagnostic Center Laboratory and was conducted from
January to July. The sample of this research is 33 members of Posbindu Cambodia
IV Gedangan, Grogol, Sukoharjo.
From the results of the study, the normality test showed significant results
on the amount of BMI = 0.117 and significance on LDL levels = 0.988. Followed
by the Pearson statistical test, it showed that the significance value = 0.217
. This study can be concluded that the analytical method research has no
relationship between Body Mass Index and LDL cholesterol levels, with a
significance value of more than 0.05 so that there is no significant relationship to
this variable.