Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Nasional
Aurelika, Rizky Alfunnisa
R Medicine (General)
2022-04-14 07:37:02
Abstract :
Hands are the part of the human body most often in contact with the
outside world and are used daily for activities, so that it makes contact with
microbes and transfer them to other objects easier, it turns out to be a nest for
bacteria, there are various types of bacteria that live on the hands, bacteria are
pathogens and some are non-pathogenic. The purpose of this study was to
describe the number of germs on the palms of Harjodaksino Market food traders
before and after using a hand sanitizer.
The type of research used in this scientific paper is descriptive research.
This research was conducted at the Bacteriology Laboratory of the National
College of Health Sciences and the time of this research was conducted on April
5-6, 2021. The sample of this study was the palm swab of Harjodaksino Market
food traders before and after using a hand sanitizer. The sampling technique used
was purposive sampling.
Based on the research that has been done, using the quality requirements
for liquid synthetic detergent hand sanitizer is regulated based on SNI 2588: 2017.
Total plate count of palm swab before and after using a hand sanitizer containing
75% alcohol with the highest total plate count of 2,9x103
colony/cm2 while the
lowest total plate count of 4,0x102
colony/cm2 with maximum colony limit of
It was concluded that there was a decrease in the percentage of germs after
using hand sanitizer by 67% with results that met the requirements of 80% and
20% did not meet the requirements. from 15 samples of the palms of
Harjodaksino Market food traders