Abstract :
Cutlery is all kinds of tools used to process and serve food such
as plates, spoons, forks and glasses. This study aims to determine
whether the glasses and spoons in some angkringan in the Gandekan
Village area are contaminated with bacteria, find out how much bacterial
contamination is on the glasses and spoons in the Gandekan Village area
based on the ALT method and to determine whether the plates and
spoons in several angkringan stalls in the Gandekan Village area meet the
requirements of Permenkes No. 1096/menkes/per/VI/2011 concerning
the requirements for hygiene and sanitation for catering services, namely
0 colonies/cm2
This study uses a descriptive design. The research was
conducted at the National STIKES Bacteriology Laboratory and the time
of the study was carried out in January-May 2021. The samples of this
study were 9 glasses and 9 spoons. The sampling technique used is
QuotaSampling and the test method used is ALT.
The results of the study on 9 samples of glass and 9 samples of
spoons examined found bacteria with more than 0 colonies, with an
average number of 2,577 colonies/cm2
. This is due to various factors
including environmental factors, hygiene, habits and food.
Glasses and spoons in several angkringan in Gandekan Village
are contaminated with bacteria. Bacterial contamination of glasses and
spoons in several food stalls in Kwarasan Village averaged 2,577
. Glasses and spoons in several angkringan in Gandekan
Village, Jebres District, Surakarta City do not meet the requirements of
Minister of Health Regulation No. 1096/MENKES/PER/VI/2011.