Abstract :
Welders are at great risk of exposure to heavy metals. Welders is a business in
the field of welding in various types of metal, one of which is cadmium (Cd).
Cadmium is a heavy metal in the from of a slightly soft, blue-white metal, almost
the same as the stable metals zinc and mercury. Cadmium is nephrotoxic and
endangers human health, especially for the welders. Cadmium provides exposure
to humans via inhalation, skin and ingestion. The purpose of this study was to
determine the level of cadmium in welders in Sukoharjo district and whether it
exceeded the threshold value according to the 2012 Biolab Medical Unit, which
was < 0.10 ppm.
This type of research is descriptive. The study was carried out at the Surabaya
Industrial Standardization and Research Institute in April ? May 2021. The sample
in this study used the hair of welding 8 welders hair?s taken by purposive methode.
Samples were read for cadmium content in AAS.
The results of the study on 8 samples showed that the levels of cadmium in the
hair of welding workshop workers were < 0.0277 ppm.
Cadmium levels in the hair of welders in Sukoharjo district contained cadmium
levels < 0.0277 ppm and did not exceed the threshold value according to the 2012
Biolab Medical Unit, which was < 0.10 ppm.