Abstract :
Hemoglobin (Hb) is the main component of red blood cells or erythrocytes. A
porter is a job that sells services for transporting goods from one place to another
manually. Pelvic porters are workers with strenuous physical activity where every
day they can lift objects up to tens of kilos. Strenuous physical activity can affect
hemoglobin levels to be low.
This research is a descriptive study using purposive sampling with 36 blood
samples from the market coolies of Gede Surakarta market who have signed
informed consent. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. The
hemoglobin level in this blood sample was checked with a Hematology Analyzer.
The results of the study on porters at the Gede market in Surakarta showed that
of the 36 blood samples examined, there were 9 samples (25%) less than normal, 26
samples (72.22%) normal and 1 sample (2.78%) more than normal.
The conclusion of this study is that the average results obtained from the
examination of hemoglobin levels in porters at the Gede Sukakarta market are