Abstract :
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease so compliance with drug use is important in
the treatment of diabetes mellitus and reduces the risk of complications. This
study aims to determine the patient's characteristics, adherence in the use of drugs
to the successful therapeutic treatment of diabetes mellitus patients at Sarila
Husada General Hospital, Sragen. This research is included in a non-experimental
type of research where data collection is done with a cross sectional approach, and
is descriptive non analytic . The number of samples in this study were 96 DM
patients at Sarila Husada Sragen General Hospital who performed control in
March and April 2020. The instrument used in this study was the Morisky
Medication Adherence Scale-8. questionnaire. The results showed patients who
had low levels of adherence ( 22.9%), moderate (57.3%), and high (19.8%), the
patient's therapeutic success was (17.71%), and 82.29% were said to be
unsuccessful therapy