Abstract :
A hemoglobin level that is less than normal (<11g/dl) is called anemia. Anemia is
a public health problem because it is associated with an increased risk of
morbidity and mortality during childbirth. The World Health Organization
(WHO) reports that 52% of pregnant women experience anemia in developing
countries. To find out if someone has anemia or not, that is by measuring a
person's hemoglobin level. Factors related to hemoglobin include age, pregnancy,
economic status, education level and a person's lifestyle.
The purpose of this study was to determine the description of hemoglobin levels
based on gestational age in Gedangan Sukoharjo. This research is descriptive and
uses total sampling method in sampling. Examination of hemoglobin levels using
the cyanmethemoglobin method.
The results of this study obtained 9 respondents from 24 respondents obtained
hemoglobin levels 11g/dl while 15 respondents from 24 respondents obtained
hemoglobin levels <11g/dl. Hemoglobin levels <11g/dl were more in the second
trimester of pregnancy as many as 11 respondents (45.8%) than in the third
trimester of pregnancy as many as 4 respondents (16.8%).