Abstract :
Platelate count is screening test to help establish the diagnosis. Results
check up platelet influenced by several stages, namely the pre-analytic stage, the
analytical stage, and the post-analytic stage. One of the pre-analytic stages is the
postponement of the examination. Delaying this test can cause changes in the
blood cells. Blood samples with the anticoagulant EDTA have a sample stability
of 1 hour which should be checked immediately. Delaying the examination will
cause a decrease in the number of platelets. The delay causes the platelets to
continue to actively carry out metabolism which then causes the platelets to clot
and experience swelling so that the platelets will break into smaller fragments.
The purpose of this study was to determine the description of the platelet count in
EDTA blood samples with a delay of 30 minutes at room temperature.
This type of research is descriptive using quota sampling with a sample of
27 students of class 3A1 Study Program D-III National Medical Laboratory
Technology STIKES. The platelet count was checked with a Mindray BC-2800
hematology analyzer. The research was conducted at the Budi Peni Clinical
Laboratory. The time of the study was carried out in January-June 2021.
The results showed that the average platelet count in venous blood
samples without delay was 318,111 and the median value was 307.000, while the
average platelet count for 30 minutes at room temperature was 316.250 and the
median value of the platelet count results in venous blood samples is 304.000.
The conclusion of this study is based on the average and median values of
a decrease in platelet count with a delay of 30 minutes and without delay.