Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Nasional
Ekklesia, Lioness Yuwandita
R Medicine (General)
2022-04-14 07:37:55
Abstract :
Coffee consumption in Indonesia has increased every year. This is what
makes the trend of coffee drinkers continue to increase. Coffee contains caffeine
which acts as a stimulant that raises the spirit to carry out daily activities, but there
are risks of drinking coffee, one example is iron deficiency. Hemoglobin is one of the
important proteins in the human body, because of its function as oxygen and carbon
dioxide transport. Lack of hemoglobin has an impact on health such as headaches, no
appetite, weakness, and decreased concentration. The purpose of this study was to
determine the description of hemoglobin levels in coffee drinkers in a coffee shop in
This study uses a descriptive design. The research was conducted at the
National STIKES Hematology Laboratory and the time of the study was in July 2021.
The examination method used was the cyanmethemoglobin method using a Clima
MC 15 photometer. The number of research samples was 20 respondents with the
Accidental Sampling technique.
The results of the study of hemoglobin levels in 20 respondents who drank
black coffee, black coffee drinkers 3 cups/day obtained normal hemoglobin results as
many as 12 respondents (60%) and black coffee drinkers more than 4 cups/day
obtained hemoglobin results less than normal as many as 8 respondents (40 %).
It was concluded that hemoglobin levels in black coffee drinkers 3 cups/day
had normal results with an average value of 15.57 g/dL and hemoglobin levels in
black coffee drinkers of more than 4 cups/day had less than normal results with an
average value of 13, 78 g/dL.