Abstract :
Facial skin problems that are often experienced by women today are acne.
Acne can be caused by the presence of bacteria on the face. The presence of these
bacteria can be eliminated or reduced to increase skin moisture and cleanliness.
One way to do this is by doing treatment at the Beauty Clinic in consultation with
a specialist. The purpose of this study was to see the difference in the number of
germ numbers in women who routinely and did not routinely perform treatments
at beauty clinics.
The type of research used is descriptive. The research was conducted at the
National STIKES Bacteriology Laboratory and the time of implementation was on
28 ? 30 June 2021. The sample used in this study was a facial swab of female
students living in one neighborhood. The sampling technique used is accidental
The results obtained from 8 facial swabs with 4 samples of the routine care
group obtained an average number of germ numbers as much as 2.9x105 CFU/ml
sample and 4 samples of the non-routine treatment group obtained an average
number of germ numbers of 5.8x105 CFU /ml sample and obtained a ratio of 1:2.
The conclusion of this study is that there are differences in the number of germs in
women who routinely and do not routinely carry out treatment at the Beauty