Abstract :
Osteoarthritis is a degenerative and inflamatory joint disease characterized by
pathological changes in the entire joint stucture. Osteoarthritis that is left
untreated can cause pain, stiffness, swelling, and can lead to disability.
Laboratory tests to assess the presence of inflammation are the C-Reaktive
Protein (CRP) and Erytrocites Sedimentation Rate (ESR) tests. The purpose of
this research was to determine the relationship between levels of C-Reaktive
Protein (CRP) and Erytrocytes Sedimentation Rate (ESR) in Osteoarthritis
This researce was conducted on 20 inpatients subjects at RS Ortopedi Prof. DR. R
Soeharso Surakarta with cross sectional design. The data in the research were
tested for normality with the Saphiro Wilk test, followed by the r pearson
correlation coefficient test.
From the result of the Saphiro Wilk normality test, the result were normally
distributed, followed by the r pearson correlation coefficient test, the p-value was
0,699 (p>0,05), which means that there is positive correlation between CReactive Protein (CRP) levels and Erytrocytes Sedimentation Rate (ESR) in
Osteoarthritis patients.