Abstract :
Indonesia is a country that is rich in natural resources and has the potential
for local food from legumes. One type of legume that is widely cultivated and
utilized by the community is green beans. Green beans contain Fe as much as 3-
9.7 mg/100 g. The high Fe content in green beans can play an important role in
increasing hemoglobin levels. This study aims to determine whether the green
bean powder drink "NUMBUK" can be used as an alternative to increase
hemoglobin levels.
Experimental research method using Pre-Experimental Design research
conducted in June 2021 with the subject of Karang Taruna Gema Putra members
as many as 25 respondents with the criteria of respondents who are not
menstruating. Data were collected with hemoglobin levels examined by the POCT
method. Hypothesis testing was carried out with the Paired t-Test.
In this study, there were differences in hemoglobin levels between the
groups before and after giving the "NUMBUK" green bean powder drink with the
results in the pre-treatment group having an average of 13.87 g/dl and the posttreatment group having an average of 15.42 g/dl from the data, which had a
significant increase of 1.55 g/dl.
In the research that has been carried out,it was found that there was an
increase in hemoglobin levels after giving the ?NUMBUK? green bean powder
drink at Karang Taruna Gema Putra.