Abstract :
Gold standard examination of Candida sp. is a culture test. Potato
Dextrose Agar (PDA) is a medium that can be used to culture the fungus Candida
albicans. PDA media are manufactured in a ready-to-use dosage form, are
hygroscopic, and are only obtained at certain places. The abundance of natural
resources in Indonesia encourages researchers to take advantage of the wealth of
biological natural resources to create alternative semi-synthetic media for
mushroom growth from breadfruit. The purpose of this study was to determine
the effective concentration of alternative semi-synthetic media of breadfruit
essence as a growth medium for the fungus Candida albicans.
This research is an experimental study by inoculating Candida albicans
with the spread plate method. Observations were made after the media was
incubated for 72 hours. Observations were made macroscopically and confirmed
microscopically. Macroscopic observation of the number of colonies was carried
out by the Shapiro Wilk test and the One Way Anova test.
The results showed that the average growth of the number of colonies on
PDA media was 15.50, while for the alternative breadfruit media the average
number of colonies was 100% concentration 24.50, 90% concentration 19.75,
80% concentration 19.50, 70% concentration 16.00, 60% concentration 15.50.
Shapiro Wilk's normality test obtained p value> 0.05 then the distribution of the
data obtained was normal. The One Way Anova test showed that the
homogeneity test results were p> 0.05, so the data obtained in this study were
homogeneous and evenly distributed. The results of the ANOVA test obtained a p
value <0.05, so H0 in this study was rejected and H1 was accepted, namely there
was a significant difference in the average growth of fungi in the media of
breadfruit essence.
The conclusion from this research is that the concentration of 60%
breadfruit essence is the effective concentration for growing Candida albicans
because the results obtained are close to control.