Abstract :
Liver cirrhosis is a pathological condition that describes the end-stage
progressive hepatic fibrosis characterized by distortion of the liver architecture
and the formation of regenerative nodules. Based on the DIY healthprofile in
2008, liver cirrhosis was among the top ten causes of death in DIY Province with
a prevalence 0f 1,87% in the ninth place. The purpose of this study was to
determine the picture of prescribing liver cirrhosis patients in the Outpatient
Installation of Panti Waluyo Hospital. This research is a descriptive study conducted
retrospectively. The sample in this study was a saturated sample, that is all members
of the population medical record data of patients diagnosed with liver cirrhosis in
the Outpatient Installation of Panti Waluyo Hospital, used as a sample with due
regard to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, namely liver cirrhosis patients from
internal polyclinics with or without complications, have clear,complete data and
the medical record data at least contains data on name, age, gender, diagnosis,
therapy and without complications of HIV and Oncology, as many as 61 sheets of
medical records. Based on the results of research during
2019 it was found that male patients were 55,74% and women 44,26%.
Complicating comorbidities in liver cirrhosis patients were ascites 39,34%, portal
hypertension 19,67%, esophageal varices 11,48%, liver encephalopathy 3,28%.
Patients received single drug therapy namely propranolol and spironolactone as
much as 1,64%, and received the most combinations of 2 drug combinations,
namely propranolol-curcuma as much as 19,67%, and received a combination of
more than 2 drugs at most, namely propranolol-spironolactone-curcuma as much
as 11,47%