Abstract :
Background: Indonesia is still categorized as a developing country and many of
the people still don't put much attention in the ergonomic position when doing their
work, many complaints are given when doing the work activity continuously. One
of the most common problem that?s caused by the workers who ignore the
ergonomic position when doing activity is that it can lead to lower back pain. The
exact numbers of people who have lower back pain is unknown, but it is estimated
that the numbers of prevalence varied between 7,6% until 37%. The back pain
problem experienced by workers usually start during the young adults with the peak
of prevalence in the age group of 45-60 years old with a little bit of difference based
on genders. Williams flexion exercise and mulligan exercise are one of the things
that can be used to prevent the lower back pain problem.
Research Purpose: Knowing the descriptive research about the influence of
mulligan exercise and william flexion exercise to prevent the lower back pain
Research Method: Type of research that?s used in literature study which is
conducted in June, some national and international journals are restricted based on
the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The obtained journal can be reviewed as
literature based on descriptive research of the two exercises.
Research Result: Based on the journal that?s used in the literature review, it was
found there's a hypothesis of the effect from williams flexion exercise and mulligan
exercise to reduce lower back pain. Although there is a difference in pain reduction
of 3.23 with the VAS measuring instrument, that is influenced by the frequency and
duration of the exercise.
Conclusion: There is an effect from doing williams flexion exercise as well as
mulligan exercise on reducing lower back pain