Abstract :
Hepatitis is a process of liver disease that affects the lung parenchyma,
buffer cells, bile ducts and blood vessels. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) has been
infected 2 billion people in the world and 240 million were infected by hepatitis
chronic B virus, patient of hepatitis C about 170 million and 1,500,000 in the
world. In 2019, there were 1.142 people in Wonogiri regency diagnosed by
hepatitis. Health education in RSUD dr Soediran Mangun Sumarso Wonogiri was
aimed the knowledge and the attitude of hepatitis patient better to anticipati the
transmision of hepatitis. This research study using descriptive method with data at
month December 2019-January 2020. The research was conducted in Internal
Medicine Polyclinic of dr. Soediran Mangun Sumarso Wonogiri Hospital. This
research was obtained 53 patients with the characteristics of patients dominated
by male (58.5%), ages 46-55 years (45.3%), senior high school (49.1%) and the
type of work private / entrepreneurial work (54.7%). The result of analysis
showed patients knowledge about hepatitis desease in RSUD dr. Soediran
Mangun Sumarso Wonogiri the most category of 47.2%.