Abstract :
Hepatic cirrhosis is the end result of hepatocyte damage characterized by
damage to the normal structure of the liver due to the formation of connective
tissue and nodules. Complications of cirrhosis are portal hypertension, varicose
veins in the gastrointestinal tract: esophageal varices, ascites, liver
encephalopathy and blood clotting disorders (coagulopathy). WHO data (2004),
the world prevalence of liver cirrhosis is 1.3% and ranks eighteen causes of death.
This study aims to determine the patient's characteristics and suitability in drug
use based on the types of complications suffered by hepatic cirrhosis patients at
RS Islam Amal Sehat Sragen. The method used is a descriptive non-experimental
study with a sample of 80 patients and retrospectively with saturated sampling
technique. The results of this study indicate that the characteristics of the most
patients suffering from liver cirrhosis are male gender 78.75%, according to age
most at age 56-65 years 33,75% and type the highest complication was acites of
36,25%. In this study the suitability of drug use in the management of hepatic
cirrhosis complications in accordance with Pharmacoterhapy Handbook Ninth
Edition is for esophageal varices 100%, SBP 92,86%, acites 58,62% and hepatic
ensefalopathy 33,33%.