Abstract :
The ethanol extract of longan leaf which has antipyretic activity is formulated
in preparations transdermal patch so that it is easy to use. The purpose of this study
was to determine whether the transdermal patch of longan leaf ethanol extract could
meet the physical test requirements and could provide antipyretic effect on male
white rats induced by the DPT-HB-HIB vaccine.
Longan leaf ethanol extract was formulated in the form of a transdermal patch
with a concentration of 0.4% and 1.2%. The transdermal patch was subjected to
physical tests which included organoleptic tests, weight uniformity tests, folding
endurance tests, pH tests, moisture absorption tests, and thickness tests. The
transdermal patch that had met the physical test requirements was then tested for
its antipyretic effect using male white rats that had been induced by the DPT-HBHIB vaccine. The antipyretic effect was observed for 3 hours consisting of every
15 minutes in the first 2 hours and every 30 minutes in the next 1 hour.
The temperature reduction data obtained was calculated for the AUC and
processed using statistics One Way ANOVAand followed by posthoc Tukey to find
out there were significant differences between treatment groups. The results
showed that the transdermal patch of longan leaf ethanol extract met the physical
properties test of the transdermal patch and with concentrations of 0.4% and 1.2%
could reduce the rectal temperature of male white rats that had been induced by the
DPT-HB-HIB vaccine.