Abstract :
Burns are injuries that occur as a result of touching the body surface with
objects that produce heat (fire, chemicals, electricity, or radiation) or substances
that cause both strong acids and strong bases to contain phytochemicals contained
in taro leaf stalks (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott) is able to help wound healing.
The compound in taro leaf stalk (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott) was
extracted using 70% ethanol as solvent. The study was conducted to divide the
test animals into 5 groups including positive control (Bioplacenton Gel), negative
control, group of 0.2 grams taro leaf stalk extract gel; 0.4 grams; and 0.6 grams.
Burns were administered using heated metal with a diameter of 2 cm. Each group
was smeared with ± 0.5 grams gel and carried out for 15 days.
The results of the decrease in burn diameter were processed by statistical
tests using the One Way ANOVA test with Tukey and observed through a burn
reduction graph. Statistical results showed p value < 0.05 which means that there
is a statistically significant difference between F1, F2, F3, positive control and
negative control. The gel preparation of taro leaf stalk ethanol extract has the
activity of burn wound healing and formula 3 has the best activity of burns wound