Abstract :
Beetroot leaf (Beta vulgaris L) has many benefits, one of which is consumed
as a side dish. In addition, beetroot leaf have pharmacological activities such as
hepatoprotective and antioxidant. This activity is influenced by the role of
secondary metabolites, one of which is flavonoid compounds. This study aims to
determine the levels of flavonoids in ethanol extract and beetroot leaf fractions.
In this study, the beetroot leaf used was red beetroot (Beta vulgaris var. Rubra
(L.) Moq.) were extracted with 70% ethanol using maceration method for 3 days
and remaceration for 1 day, then proceed with graded fractionation. The extracts
and fractions of beetroot leaves were determined for total flavonoid content using
the alumunium chloride colorimetric method and identification of flavonoids by
UV-Vis spectroscopy.
The results of the determination of flavonoid levels showed that the ethyl
acetate fraction of red beetroot leaves contained the highest flavonoid content of
1,8349±0.0302 %QE, followed by the n-hexane fraction of 1,6736±0,0275 %QE,
ethanol extract of 1,6736±0,0033 %QE and the water fraction is 1,6659±0,0302
%QE. Identification of flavonoids based on spectrum analysis of UV-Vis
spectroscopy readings showed the presence of flavonoids of the flavonol type
contained in the extract and fractions of red beetroot leaves.