Abstract :
Pain and fever are included in the top 10 symptoms of the highest disease
in the Tempel Pakis Baru hamlet area. The use of medicinal plants as traditional
medicine has existed since ancient times and is still used today, including in the
village of Tempel Pakis Baru. Based on this, it is necessary to conduct an
ethnopharmaceutical study which aims to describe the use of medicinal plants in
the Tempel hamlet and preserve the traditions and knowledge of the Tempel hamlet
community in the use of traditional medicinal plants.
The sampling method in this study was carried out by the snowball sampling
method followed by the interview method with the open-ended interview technique.
The study of interview results is strengthened by literature such as scientific articles
and journals. Data analysis carried out includes UV and ICF values.
The results obtained in this study were 14 informants, 7 diseases and 34
plants. Traditional medicine is made by boiling, crushing, burning, and consuming
it directly for oral or topical use. The highest ICF value for pain category is 0.61
dizziness and 0.54 toothache and for fever is 0.23. The plants with the highest UV
values were red ginger and dadap serep, namely 1 to treat fever and turmeric to treat
fever, menstrual pain, and dizziness, which are diseases with high ICF values.