Abstract :
Asthma is a chronic diseases, respiratory tract that was marked by
inflammatory increased have to variouse stimulus and the respiratory tract that can
return spontaneously with treatment that is appropriated. This study aims to
determine the characteristics of patients with asthma in children in the Hospital
Surakarta and determine the pattern of treatment of asthma patients in the Hospital
Surakarta period January ? September 2016.
The study is a research for the non-eksperimental with the descriptive.
Research done by taking data from medical records of the patient?s athma
bronchial in RSUD Surakarta.
The results based on patient characteristics of 83 patients with asthma in
children, based on gender is more dominated by male patients, by age dominated
by patients with age 0 ? 4 years. Based on the use of drugs known asthma
medications are the most widely used class of bronchodilators (salbutamol),
dominated by the use of single therapy. Based on the accuracy of the dose more
patients get the correct dosage.