Abstract :
Lead metal is an element that accumulates the most in human hair compared to
other parts of the body. Based on this description, a study was conducted using a sample
in the form of hair which has a high probability of containing lead metal ions, namely
in metal casting workers who often make direct contact with lead. This study aims to
describe the levels of lead heavy metal in the hair of metal casting industry workers in
Ceper District.
This type of research is descriptive. The research was in the Laboratory of the
Surabaya Industrial Standardization and Research Institute in April-May 2021. The
sample in the examination was the hair of metal casting industry workers with a total
of 8 samples that met the criteria taken by purposive sampling. Hair samples were
tested for lead content using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS).
The results of the study on 8 samples tested for lead levels, sample code C1 the
result is 18.77 mg/kg, C2 was 5.73 mg/kg, C3 was 6.86 mg/kg, C4 was 5.34 mg/kg,
C5 was 4.70 mg/kg, C6 was 6.16 mg. /kg, C7 was 17.12 mg/kg and C8 was 11.24
Based on the data obtained, there were 2 samples from 8 tests that exceeded the
threshold value set by the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number