Abstract :
Laboratory tests are very important to help establish the diagnosis of the
disease. Control of pre-analytical, analytical, and post-analytic can provide accurate
and reliable laboratory test results. The biggest source of error can occur in the preanalytic stage, including due to improper sample storage and inspection delays.
Inspection delays can occur due to equipment failure or the large number of samples
being examined. Bilirubin is a yellow pigment derived from the breakdown of heme
from hemoglobin in the breakdown of erythrocytes by reticuloendothelial cells.
Meanwhile, direct bilirubin is free bilirubin that is found in the liver and no longer
binds to albumin. Factors that affect the increase in direct bilirubin levels are the
delay in examination which can cause protein denaturation. The purpose of this study
was to determine the results of direct bilirubin levels which were immediately
checked and postponed.
This study uses an experimental research design. This research was conducted
at the Independent Diagnostic Center Laboratory and the time of the study was
carried out in January-December 2021. The sample of this research was 15 students
of class 3A2 of DIII Medical Laboratory Technology National STIKES.
The results showed that the normality test was without a delay of 0.519 and a
delay of 0.225. The results are normally distributed because the sig value > 0.05.
Then continued with the paired T test, the result was 0.000.
The conclusion of this study is that there is an effect of delaying serum
samples on direct bilirubin levels.