Abstract :
Drug storage is an important thing and needs to be considered because it
can affect drug stability. Drug storage errors can have a negative impact on
patients and the image of the Puskesmas. Drug storage needs to pay attention to
such as storage rooms, refrigerators, storage temperatures, to maintain the quality
of drugs in health service facilities at the puskesmas. This study aims to describe
the accuracy of the storage of sterile preparations at the Sibela Mojosongo Public
Health Center Surakarta. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. In this
study, the data collection technique was carried out using a checklist tool that
refers to the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia
(PMK RI ) No. 74 of 2016. The results of observations from the Verlos Kamer
(VK) maternity room, immunization room and pharmacy room were analyzed by
calculating the suitability score for each statement item in the checklist, the
suitability score was then calculated the percentage. The results of observations
showed that the level of suitability for storing sterile preparations at the Sibela
Health Center was 94%.