Abstract :
The herbal medicine business is not required to have a distributionpermit, therefore its safety, efficacy and quality are still quite low. Soit isnecessary to measure the microbial contamination contained in herbal
medicine with the Total Plate Number parameter. The herbs used were herbal
medicine for papaya leaves, temu ireng, tamarind turmeric, and bitter
brotowali. This study aims to determine ALT in herbal medicine at TanjungRejo market, Sukoharjo Regency. This research is a descriptive research. The research stage begins withthe selection and the place of sampling. The next step is to prepare the toolsand materials used for the ALT test. The first step for the ALT test is tomakea 10-5 dilution of the herbal sample by taking 1 ml of the herbal sample and9ml of 0.9% NaCL. ALT test using Nutrient Agar media. Then incubated for 24hours in an inverted position, and the results were read with a colony counter. In the study, the total plate number of herbal carrying at the TanjungRejo market, Sukoharjo Regency for herbal medicine papaya leaves temuireng was 1,4 x 10
7 colonies/ml – 5,2 x 10
7 colonies / ml, herbal turmeric acid1,5 x 10
2 colonies / ml – 8,9 x 10
2 colonies / ml, brotowali bitter herb <1x101
colonies / ml – 2,8 x 10
3 colonies / ml. Plate Number Results Total herbal
medicine papaya leaf temu ireng does not meet the requirements of BPOMregulation No. 32 of 2019. Results of Plate Numbers The total number of
herbal turmeric acid and herbal medicine bitters brotowali meets therequirements of BPOM regulation No. 32 years 2019.