Abstract :
Nicotine is one of the carcinogenic compounds in cigarettes. A carcinogen
is a substance that is an agent directly involved in causing cancer. The purpose of
the study was to determine the nicotine content in klobot cigarettes and to determine
whether klobot cigarettes were in accordance with Government Regulation No. 81
of 1999 concerning the safety of cigarettes for health. Nicotine levels in cigarettes
that are allowed in a cigarette according to Government Regulation no. 81 year
1999 which is 1.5 mg/stem. The sample used is klobot cigarettes obtained from
different traders. The quantitative analysis of nicotine was determined by the UVVis Spectrophotometry method. From the results of the research conducted at a
wavelength (λ) of 260 nm with the equation y = bx+a so that the correlation
coefficient (r) is 0.9963. The results showed that the average nicotine levels in
klobot cigarettes samples 1, 2, and 3 were 0.8414 mg/stem, 0.8528 mg/stem and
1.3557 mg/stem. This shows that samples 1, 2, and 3 meet the requirements
permitted by Government Regulation no. 81 of 1999 concerning the safety of
cigarettes for health, namely 1.5 mg/stem.