Abstract :
Garlic bulbs (Allium sativum L.) have an active substance in the formof
thermolabile allicin, allicin as the main antioxidant that can prevent free radicals. Nanoemulsion has a particle size of 20-500 nm which is an oil and water dispersionsystem which is stabilized by a combination of surfactants and cosurfactants. Thepurpose of this study was to obtain the best formula from variations inVCOconcentration of 3%, 5%, 8% and to determine the stability of the nanoemulsionpreparation. The nanoemulsion was formulated in the oil phase of VCO, surfactant
Tween 80, and cosurfactant PEG 400. The nanoemulsion preparations were testedfor organoleptic, pH, viscosity, % transmittance, stability. The best formula wasfollowed by particle size and zeta potential tests, the results of the researchwereanalyzed by one way ANOVA test. The best formula was obtained for thepreparation of garlic bulb extract nanoemulsion at a concentration of 8%VCO, thebest physical formula was obtained with organoleptic characteristics of clear yellow, distinctive odor, and did not separate, pH value (4.9), viscosity value (7.0 d'Pas) , the value of % transmittance (96.11), the preparation of garlic bulb nanoemulsionwas stable after the stability test was carried out. The best formula was continuedwith the particle size test, the average value obtained (607.0±53.4) and the averagevalue of the zeta potential test obtained (-5.7±0.86). The preparationof
nanoemulsion that has good stability is in formula 3 with a VCOconcentrationof