Abstract :
Disinfectants is a chemicals its used to detain of growth for microorganisms on
the surface of inanimate objects. One of the natural ingridients which can used as a
Disinfectants is bali lime leaf (citrus maxima) burm. Merr) contains the main
compound, that is flavonoid which can detain the growth of the staphylococcus aureus
bacteria. Bali lime leaf extraction formulated into effervescent tablet preparations that
has the advantage of facilitating use with a measurable dose that when used can be directly
dissolved in 1 liter of water per 1 tablet. The purpose of this study was to determine the
influence of variations in the amount of Sodium bicarbonate FI (25%), FII (35%), and
FIII (45%) on the physical quality of tablets made using wet granulation methods as
well as the influence of sodium bicarbonate variations on the physical properties of
effervescent tablets and the ability to inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus
bacteria using disc diffusion methods and analysis of results using the One-Way Anova
Test on weight uniformity tests, uniformity of size, hardness of tablets, as well as
S.areus bacterial inhibitory power tests and descriptive analysis on granule physical
properties tests, organoleptic testt, friability test, hardness test, dissolving time test, and
pH test. Formula 1 shows the most optimum results. With a water content of 2.46%,
flow time 3,55 seconds, angle of repose 27,92°, weight uniformity 0,524 ±0,024 mg,
uniformity of size 1,322 ± 0.004 ± cm, tablet friability 0,56%, tablet hardness 4,040 ±
1.577, dissolving time 3 minutes 15 seconds, and pH test 6.3. The difference of quality
of natrium bikarbonat on effevescent tablet of bali lime leaf take effect on the difference
in the area of the inhibition zone staphylococcus aureus bacteria with an average 11,20
1,322 ± 0,067 mm.