Abstract :
Kersen leaf (Mutingia calabura L.) is a plant that can be used as a raw
material of medicine because it has many benefits. One of the parameter quality
extract is the Yeast Mold Number (AKK) not more than 10³ colony/g. This
research is to find out the amount and to find out the amount. Extraction of kersen
leaf using maceration method with kersen leaf water extract. Kersen leaf extract
using maserasi method with a water solvent. AKK value that can analysed based
on the BPOM head regulations RI Number.32 of 2019 about safety and quality
requirements of traditional medicine. The results showed that kersen leaf water
extract, the shape of organoleptically is thick extract, dark brown, bitter, sour and
has typical smell with a water content of 45%. AKK value on kersen leaf water
extract 10² colony/g. That reported as a estimation of AKK value. AKK value on
kersen leaf water extract fulfill the safety requirements and quality of traditional