Abstract :
Koro Benguk is a food plant that has the potential to help with treatment.
Koro Benguk has activity to increase antioxidant, antidiabetic and anticancer
activity. Scientific data regarding the level of safety is not widely known, one of
which is through acute toxicity tests. This study aims to determine the LD50 value
and toxic symptoms of the administration of ethanol extract of koro benguk to white
male mice with acute toxicity test. The research method of the experimental animals
was divided into 4 treatment groups, group I was given CMC Na 0.5%, groups II,
III, and IV were given ethanol extract of koro benguk at a dose of 2000 mg/kgBB,
2500 mg/KgBB and 3200 mg/KgBB orally. Observations were carried out
intensively for the first 30 minutes, 4 hours, and continued 24 hours after treatment
by looking at the number of dead test animals and toxic symptoms such as changes
in body weight, changes in coat and skin color, changes in behavior, tremors,
salivation, and feces. The results of phytochemical screening of koro benguk
ethanol extract were positive for containing alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, and
triterpenoids. The results showed that the ethanol extract of koro benguk (Mucuna
pruriens L.) at doses of 2000, 2500, and 3200 mg/KgBB caused a toxic effect in
test animals with toxic symptoms in the form of tremors, passivity, yellowish and
soft stools, so that the ethanol extract of koro benguk benguk has the potential to
cause acute toxicity in male white mice.