Abstract :
The World Health Organization states that to prevent infection related to
hospital services, it can be done by implementing Five Moment Hand Hygiene.
Compliance with hand washing of health workers really needs to be considered so
that it is carried out in accordance with existing standard operating procedures,
namely by means of six steps and five right moments. This research was conducted
at UNS Sukoharjo Hospital in January 2022. The type of research used was
quantitative research with a descriptive approach. The sample size is 173 health
workers, including nurses, laboratories and midwives who meet the inclusion and
exclusion criteria. The instruments used previously were tested first with validity
and reliability tests. The results of the study regarding the application of five
moment hand hygiene, the data on the number of nurses were 82.1%, laboratories
12.7%, midwives 5.2%, with final data based on the diagram showing the results of
good knowledge of 54%, respondents who had sufficient knowledge were 43 %,
respondents who have less knowledge are 3%. Health workers in hospitals still need
to increase the level of knowledge about five moment hand hygiene.