Abstract :
Reconstitution is a process of combining solvent or carrier medium into
dry powder mass to produce suspended or dissolved substance conducted
aseptically. This research aims to find out the compatibility of dry powder injection
antibiotic reconstituting process in child unit of Assalam Gemolong Public
Hospital, Sragen. This study was a descriptive research by collecting data through
direct observation using checklist for 1 (one) month, December 2021-January
2022. This research was conducted using total sampling obtaining 99 reconstitution
actions being the sample. The result of research shows the percentage compatibility
of injection antibiotic reconstitution process based on SPO and Guidelines of Drug
Mixing in Assalam Gemolong Public Hospital Sragen, including the compatibility
of dosage calculation, appropriate solvent choice, and appropriate storage
following reconstitution (100%), the compatibility of solvent volume used
(62.63%), compatibility of drug labelling (76.77%), the compatibility of drug
mixing aseptically (58.58%), and the compatibility of disposal method in which all
used drugs combinations are put into specific wrap (88.89%). Meanwhile, based
on Pediatric Injectable Drug 10th edition and Handbook on Injectable Drugs 17th
edition, it can be found the compatible dosing (90.91%), the compatible solvent
choice and the compatible storage following reconstitution (100%), and the
compatible solvent volume used (58.59%). Conclusion: the percentage
compatibility of injection antibiotic reconstitution process based on SPO and
guidelines of Drug Mixing in RSU Assalam Gemolong Sragen is 83.84% from 7
aspects of observation. Meanwhile, the percentage based on Pediatric Injectable
Drug 10th edition and Handbook on Injectable Drugs 17th edition is 87.37% from 4
aspects of observation