Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Nasional
Putri, Harum Satia Ningsih
RN Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Mathematics
2022-07-05 02:09:35
Abstract :
Tannins is a secondary active metabolic compound known to have some of
the properties of antidiarrheal, antibacterial, and antibacterial.The study aims to
know the existence of tannins, tannins levels, and the types of tannins in lemon
(Citrus limun (L.)Burm.f.) local and spectrophotometri uv-vis. Squeeze lemon
local and filtered impors are identified with fecl3 reduction, gelatin, and diluted
sulfuric acid. Absorbantion measured in tannins levels with spectrofotometri uvvis on a wavelength of 764 nm. Tannin levels of local lemon and impor can be
analyzed with independent T-test results. In the identification of tannins type with
acetic acid reduction, acetate pb, KBR, HCL, matches, and stiasny. Qualitative
results show that both types of positive lemons contain tannins. The average
tannins content of local lemon is 12.27 mg GAE/100 ml with coefficient
variations of 0.09%. The average tannins on impor lemon amounted to 12,29 mg
GAE/100 ml with a coefficient variation of 0.17%. The average tannine content of
local lemon is no different than the average tannins of impored lemon with a p>
0.05. The identification of tannins leads to hydrolytic tannin.