Abstract :
Red chilies and tomatoes are fruits that are widely cultivated. Red chiliesand tomatoes are easy to spoil. The low shelf life is a problemfor both farmersand consumers. The right method and duration of storage need to be donetoachieve optimal quality. Use of preservatives which are expected to helpandmaintain the freshness of the fruit. This study aims to determine the effectivenessof pandan leaf extract as a natural preservative of red chilies and tomatoes andtodetermine the levels of vitamin C in red chilies and tomatoes before andafter
storage. Extraction was carried out by maceration method using 96%ethanol assolvent. The results of the extract were used for phytochemical and qualitativetests to determine changes in texture and color in red chilies and tomatoes. Thequantitative test was carried out using UV-Visible Spectrophotometryat awavelength of 266.0 nm. The results of the phytochemical test of pandanleaf
extract were found to be positive for containing Alkaloids, Flavonoids, Polyphenols, and Saponins. The results of the qualitative test showed that theconcentration of pandan leaf extract 15 mg% was able to maintain the texture andcolor of red chilies and tomatoes in the hignest amount compared to the extract
concentrations of 5 mg% and 10 mg%. Quantitative test showed that vitaminClevels ofred chilies anda tomatoes decreased after 10 days of storage at aconcentration of 15 mg% pandan leaf extract able to maintain vitamin Clevels of
rred chilies by 0,0172 % and tomatoes by 0,0069 % grater than the concentration10 mg% and 5 mg% concentration