Abstract :
The pharmaceutical installation is a drug warehouse that serves twenty-five health
centers in Sragen Regency. Drug distribution is carried out after all puskesmas submit
requests for medicines that are suitable for the remaining drug supplies in the
puskesmas, case studies, number of patients in one month using the LPLPO drug
request format (Usage Report and Drug Request Sheet). For this reason, it is necessary
to evaluate pharmaceutical services at the UPTD (Regional Technical Implementation
Unit) of the Sragen Regency Pharmacy Installation. Therefore Sragen Regency
pharmacy installation under the auspices of the Sragen Health Office needs an
evaluation or assessment to improve the quality of service quality in drug distribution.
Based on the background above, the researcher conducted a study: "Evaluation of
Drug Distribution Services in Sragen Regency Pharmacy Installation". The research
objective was to evaluate drug distribution services in the Sragen Regency Pharmacy
Installation. The research method is an observational study with a qualitative method
with a descriptive approach. The results of his research, the value of IKM after data
analysis was obtained, namely: 62.55 is at the IKM interval value 62.51-81.25 and has
service B so that it is included in the category of good service